The term clairvoyance, which is defined as extrasensory seeing, is often used to describe mediums and psychics. Psychics may be referred to as clairvoyant because they predict the future often using divination tools, such as tarot cards. If a psychic can literally see scenes in their mind regarding the future, they are not just psychic. They are also a medium and can work on developing their gifts. Mediums are clairvoyant, as they can see images within their mind sent by those in spirit about the past, present, and future. The location where they are seen within the mind is often referred to as the third eye. Mediums also receive information from those in spirit using all their senses. They can see (clairvoyance), feel (clairsentience), hear (clairaudience), taste (clairambience), smell (clairalience), and know information as presented by those in spirit (claircognizance).
What Can Be Seen and Who Sends It
The gift of clairvoyance includes internal visions in the mind of the past, present, and future as sent by those in spirit. As the receiver of the information, the person who is clairvoyant is not the creator. The imagery is provided by those in spirit on a need-to-know basis, as rules apply to what can be transmitted. For example, just because a medium asks to see specific information, it does not mean it will be shown because the information provided in a scene may interfere with a path that needs to be taken for a life lesson. Other times, the information is symbolic, and the medium will need to work through what the symbols mean to interpret the content. Learning about the gifts of mediumship through training helps mediums better understand, expand, and hone their gifts to help others. Those with the extrasensory ability to see may also experience prophetic dreams, which are dreams that reveal events which will take place in the future. At times, prophetic dreams are not fully understood when they occur or may include information the receiver is unable to do anything about. Part of the reason for receiving these dreams is to reveal that someone has the gift of clairvoyance and needs to learn about the gifts to better manage them.
You Can See Them Too
Those in spirit often send signs to those they love on Earth, which do not require the gift of extrasensory seeing to experience. For instance, those in spirit can make themselves appear fully manifested like a ghost. They do not do this often because not only does it take a lot of energy to do, but it can also scare people at times. They can also appear like a flash of movement out of the corner of your eye or like a shadow. There are times when you can see them in a crowd or walking by you. It is not really them as they are creating an illusion by placing an image of themselves over someone else’s face as a sign they are near you. They place visual signs in your path which remind you of them including, but not limited to, seeing their name or a reference to something they loved in life in a way that stands out to you. Loved ones in spirit also use common signs, such as coins, butterflies, dragonflies, hawks, falcons, numbers, feathers, ladybugs, cardinals, and more. When loved ones in spirit appear in dreams, that is them visiting you. It does not matter what the dream is about, it is important that they are there helping your subconscious mind work through the issues of the day and your hopes and fears in symbolic form. There are also vivid, realistic dreams where you can interact with your loved ones in spirit, hug them, and talk with them. This type of dream is a true visitation and is often unforgettable.
We are Connected Through the Hearts of Our Spirit
Our connection with our loved ones in spirit goes beyond life on Earth. They love to let us know they are around, and when they send signs and share communications, it helps us maintain that connection and know that there is more to life than there appears to be.
With Love and Light,
Karen T. Hluchan
Spirit Medium, Motivational Speaker, Reiki Master, Spiritual Artist, & Author of How Have You Loved?
Karen T. Hluchan is an international spirit medium, paranormal investigator, Reiki master, spiritual artist, and author of How Have You Loved? Through her mediumship practice, Healing Spirit with Love, she devotes her time to the healing of spirit on earth through her connection with heaven. Her passion for her calling is shared through spirit medium readings and angel readings, speaking engagements, and workshops she instructs, as well as through her writing, Reiki, and fine art spiritual paintings. All of her work is inspired by the divine light that is within us all. She has a great love of nature, people, and the planet, and she enjoys her connection in spirit, both here and in heaven.
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