An Honor and a Blessing
Mediumship is an incredible gift that Karen approaches with great love, respect, and honor. She is a spirit medium who connects with deceased loved ones and pets, archangels, spirit guides, guardian angels, and past spiritual masters. All of her work is performed through the most powerful energy in the universe – LOVE. Through her divine connection, Karen has helped thousands of people across the U.S. through the messages and guidance she has received from Heaven.
Profound Effect on Your Life
A spirit medium reading offers an opportunity for you to receive messages that can have a profound effect on your life. As loved ones in spirit come through, including pets, they provide detailed information that helps you to identify them. Once you have clearly identified and claimed your loved one in spirit, they share personal messages for you and your loved ones on Earth. Who comes through for you is as important as the message they share. Because of their elevated perspective and the knowledge and understanding they have gained since crossing over into Heaven, loved ones in spirit often share messages that bring healing and guidance.
Spirit Medium Readings: A Two-Part Process
Your reading begins with a brief explanation of how this unique system of communication works in order to provide you with an understanding of the fascinating and complex ways that spirits send information and messages. For each loved one who comes through, there are two parts of the communication process that take place. The first part of the process is to validate the identity of the loved one who is coming through. To do this, Karen shares specific information she receives through all of her senses, such as detailed descriptions of how loved ones in spirit looked close to the time of their passing, information about occupations and places lived, the way they passed, aspects of their personality, and much more. Once your loved one in spirit has been positively identified and you have claimed them as yours, Karen asks them to share the personal messages and guidance that they have for you.
Click here to read about how you can get the most out of your reading.
Click here to read about the two-part spirit medium reading process.
Click here to learn more about how spirit communicates with mediums.
Click here to learn about how readings over the phone or video chat are as effective as those delivered in person.
Click here to learn more about how to prepare for a spirit medium reading or watch this video:
Private Readings and Public Events
Karen provides private individual readings, two-person readings, group readings, as well as gallery-style readings for large groups. For all but the gallery-style readings, Karen highly recommends you record your reading using a voice recorder. Video is not permitted. If you have a smartphone, you may already have an app for this (iPhone – Voice Memo, Android – Voice Recorder). If not, there are free apps you can download prior to your reading. Tape recorders and other digital voice recorders can also be used.
Individual readings provide one-on-one opportunities for you to receive messages from your loved ones in spirit or guidance about your life from the Archangels and your Heavenly Support Team.
Group spirit medium readings provide an interesting dynamic and a wonderful opportunity to experience communications from Heaven. With family and friends present, you can help each other to identify loved ones coming through in spirit and can benefit from the multiple messages that coming through. Often, there are messages within the messages for those in attendance. Whenever a group reading takes place, there is a significant reason why you are all together at that time to hear messages from your loved ones in spirit. Whether it is for love and support, to help jog each other’s memories, or for a more divinely inspired purpose, know that your loved ones in spirit have brought you together for an important reason.
During group spirit medium readings, Karen does her best to bring through as many loved ones in spirit as possible with their messages for as many people as possible. For groups of 11 people or more, Karen does not guarantee direct messages from loved ones in spirit or the angels for every person in attendance due to time constraints; however, depending on the number of people in attendance, she may offer an opportunity to those who did not receive direct messages from loved ones in spirit to ask a question about their life in order to receive guidance from the angels.
Pricing for Services
Click here for pricing for Spirit Medium Readings, as well as other services Karen provides.
Booking an Appointment
To book an appointment for a Spirit Medium Reading or group event, call 1-215-738-5538 or email
Out of respect for your privacy, your readings are kept confidential. During educational sessions, Karen may give an example of how spirit communicated during a reading; however, she keeps identities confidential and does not divulge personal information.
Follow Karen On:“Frank and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for such an amazing reading today. You have helped me release so much pain and guilt and put my mind and heart in a better place. We will continue to keep in touch in the future. Also, my mom was thrilled to hear about the birds!!!!”
~Jennifer and Frank P.“It was such a pleasure to meet you on Tuesday! You were a ray of sunshine on such a rainy day. Your advice and guidance helped me a lot in the pursuit of my true calling here on earth. I am looking forward to the awesome road ahead.”
~Meredith B.“I wanted you to know how grateful I am for the reading. Last night, I had a dream about 2 of my “babies” that have passed over. My Indie was young, had BOTH her eyes and was chasing my cat Priscilla around my Mother’s house! [this was the house that I grew up in]. They were with my Mother who was looking after them. I awoke with a big smile on my face. Thank You for making my heart lighter!”