Learn about the intuitive way to read Tarot cards for yourself and others with Spirit Medium Karen T. Hluchan. While you can learn to provide Tarot readings by using a book, Karen delves deeper into the process by teaching you how to combine your natural intuitive abilities with the meanings of the cards. Learning how to provide Tarot readings enables you to provide detailed guidance about your life, as well as the lives of others.
For more than 30 years, Karen has been reading Tarot. She looks forward to sharing her knowledge with you and teaching you about multiple layouts for different purposes, as well as the subtle nuance of meanings when cards appear together. As always, Karen helps you bring the love and light of Heaven into your readings and interpretations.
For this workshop, Karen will be using the traditional Rider-Waite deck. You will need to bring your own Rider-Waite deck for participation in the workshop.
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